J33. The End of Communist Rule in East Germany

Erich Honecker is well known as the German communist politician who led East Germany from 1971 until shortly before the falll of the Berlin Wall. A name that is far less known (at least in the United States), is that of the last communist premier of East Germany: Hans Modrow (1928-2023). Taking office in the middle of the Peaceful Revolution, he was the de facto leader of the country for much of the winter of 1989 and 1990. He was a transitional figure, paving the way to the first and only free elections in East Germany and included many opposition politicians in his cabinet.

These commemorative photos document the true “end” of communist rule in East Germany.

The first photo shows: Modrow’s cabinet on the day of swearing in (November 18, 1989). On verso of the photo it states: “ADN-ZB/Franke/18.11.89/bar/Berlin”.

The second photo is the press meeting after the Volkskammer meeting of February 5, 1990 when eight new ministers were appointed. The photo depcits Modrow together with Tatjana Böhm, Sebastian Pflugbeil, Rainer Eppelmann, Walter Romberg, Klaus Schlüter, Matthais Platzeck, Gerd Poppe, and Wolfgang Ullmann.

The last photo shows the cabinet in March 1990, either just prior or just after the first democratic Volkskammer vote of March 18, 1990, under which Modrow’s government, bowing to the national interest, was dissolved. This last photo has on verso a statement signed by Modrow in which he thanks his cabinet for their service and efforts towards maintaining stability in the country.

Presumably this folder and the photographs were a personal gift of Modrow’s to his cabinet. A remarkable documentation of the end of communist rule in East Germany.

Berlin: [Government of East Germany], 1989-1990. 210 by 260mm (8¼ by 10¼ inches). White folder embossed with the East German seal. Contains three photographs, 6 ½ by 10 inches, 8 by 9 ½ inches, and 8 by 10 inches. Very Good.


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