J11. German Post-War Industry

A commemorative album created by 13 apprentices for their master. The photographs depict the apprentices in a tool and die making workshop, working on projects or following their master’s direction. An insight into Germany’s re-industrialization and apprenticeship program after the war.

The company for which they all worked was C. Lorenz AG, a German electrical and electronics firm in Berlin. The company developed numerous important technologies, such as the arc transmitter, the Lorenz beam for aircraft guidance, radar systems, and the Lorenz cipher machine. During the war, Lorenz turned to inmates of Nazi labor camps, employed women’s slave labor, and had a branch at the Buchenwald concentration camp. By 1958 the company ceased to exist.

ZUR ERINNERUNG AN DIE LEHRGRUPPE MEYER. [In Memory of Apprentice Group Meyer]. Berlin: C. Lorenz A.G., September 25, 1953. 180 by 240mm (7 by 9½ inches). Faux leather album; handmade cover page and [22] lvs. with spider web interweaving. 37 original photographs. Mostly 2 ½ by 3 ½ inches, some smalller. Last 3 lvs. blank. Together with a handmade thank you card signed by all 13 apprentices. Complete. Very Good; some of the photographs Good.


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